Reports: Fitzgerald seeks lawsuit against Northwestern 

Former Wildcats head coach Pat Fitzgerald is suing Northwestern on the basis of wrongful termination, according to multiple reports. 

Fitzgerald is seeking $130 million, according to multiple reports, from Northwestern after he was suspended in July and later fired after hazing allegations were uncovered. 

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According to Andrew Seligman of The Associated Press, Chicago-based attorney Dan K. Webb announced the filing of the lawsuit on Thursday. 

Webb said Northwestern fired Fitzgerald with “no new facts, no new developments whatsoever, zero,” according to Adam Rittenberg of ESPN

Additional money is sought, Webb said, for “infliction of emotional distress, future lost income and punitive damages, according to Seligman. 

According to Tom Schad of USA Today, Northwestern violated an “oral contract” that included that Fitzgerald wouldn’t face additional punishment other than the two-week suspension and an issued positive statement about the football program.

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A copy of the lawsuit was obtained by Schad of USA Today and is available here

A hearing is scheduled for Dec. 7, according to Seligman. The lawsuit was filed in Cook County, Illinois.