Reports: Michigan, Harbaugh self-imposing a 3-game suspension 

Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh and the Wolverines are imposing a three-game suspension to start the 2023 season, according to multiple reports. 

Harbaugh will begin the year on a self-imposed suspension lasting the entirety of Michigan’s nonconference schedule, multiple sources confirm to Josh Henschke of Maize&BlueReview

The suspension comes eight days after “hurdles arose” in the agreement between the NCAA and Harbaugh over consequences of Harbaugh’s false statements to investigators. 

Harbaugh initially received a four-game suspension after alleged Level II NCAA violations that Harbaugh and his staff met with recruits during a “so-called dead period,” according to multiple reports. 

The NCAA case was slated to move toward the 2024 season in regards to Harbaugh’s original suspension. He will now miss the first three games of the 2023 season after all.